Hi there! I’m Kearstyn, a registered nurse with over 13 years of experience in a variety of specialties, including oncology, cardiac care, geriatrics, home care, and so many others!

My extensive background as a travel nurse and volunteer in many third world countries has not only broadened my horizons as a medical professional but also fueled my passion for holistic-centered care—especially when it comes to helping our elders age comfortably at home. 

As a holistic nurse, I’m focused on the whole person and getting to the root cause of imbalances that manifest into disease.

I truly believe that our bodies are incredible machines capable of self-healing. Given the right support and environment, they can perform miracles. I mean, think about it: we have trillions of cells doing their thing to keep us alive every single moment! Our bodies are the most advanced technology on the planet.

I’m passionate about leaving every place and person better than I found them and being the bridge to a new paradigm of healthcare.

My love for holistic nursing was inspired by my own healing journey. My life changed very quickly when I started to focus on the essential foundations of health: nutrition, hydration, movement, connection, purpose, and vitality. 

About 3 years ago, I started doing private duty nursing, providing in-home care for clients who want a more integrative and personal approach to their health.

I received amazing feedback from my client’s, which inspired me to expand my approach to treating people holistically. I now focus on root cause care planning, which guarantees an increase in overall quality of life!

Most importantly, my identity extends far beyond that of a “nurse”.

I’m a student of life that thrives off of getting out of my comfort zone, making a difference in the world, and being of service to humanity!

As we all know, our world is rapidly changing and more than ever we need people living their purpose and radiating their light. I strive to be that person!

When I’m not in scrubs, you can find me hiking mountains, soaking in hot springs, diving into alternative health studies, or having heart-centered conversations that keep me grounded and connected to my purpose.

Below are some highlights that have shaped my journey as a holistic nurse!

  • Solo backpacked through East Africa for 6 months, volunteering as a nurse in rural villages.

  • Raised over $3,000 to provide food and essentials to a community in Uganda.

  • Volunteered as a nurse in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Peru and Haiti.

  • Spent two months in Peru studying plant therapies.

  • Lived in a tent in the Oregon mountains for two months.

  • Lived in Mexico for 1.5 years, and self-healed from anxiety and depression using natural methods.

  • Created Heart And Soul Nursing, LLC to bring nurses and clients together for exceptional care

  • Refrained from all pharmaceuticals for over five years, relying solely on natural healing methods.

  • Worked as a school nurse in the Colorado mountains.

  • Healed my eyesight through a natural approach.

  • Successfully helped dozens of clients transform their health, receiving outstanding feedback.

Follow me to learn more about my story!