Where Does Kangen Water Come From?
Hunza Valley is located at 7,999' in northern Pakistan and is the home of the longest lived people on the planet.
The Hunza People are uniquely healthy and free of disease. Many studies have been done and it is believed that their simple healthy diet of carefully grown organic food and the glacial, living water is their secret to health and long life. Hunza drink directly from glacial streams in the high Himalayas. It is fresh, invigorating, life enhancing and free radical scavenging
The Hunza have the longest lifespan in the world and this has been traced as related to the water that they drink and their natural diet. Hunza water is an example of perfect natural water. Hunza has people who routinely live to 120-140 years, in good health with virtually no cancer, degenerative disease, dental caries or bone decay. Research has proven conclusively that the major common denominator of the healthy long-living people is their local water.
Dr. Henri Coanda, the Romanian father of fluid dynamics and a Nobel Prize winner at 78 yrs old, spent six decades studying the Hunza water trying to determine what it was in this water that caused such beneficial effects for the body. He discovered that it had a different viscosity and surface tension. Dr. Patrick Flanagan and others continued the research. They found Hunza water had a high alkaline pH and an extraordinary amount of active hydrogen (hydrogen with an extra electron), with a negative Redox Potential and a high colloidal mineral content. The water is living and provides health benefits that other types of drinking water cannot. Similar natural water properties and longevity are found in other remote unpolluted places such as the Shin-Chan areas of China, the Caucasus in Azerbaijan, and in the Andes Mountains.
Initially developed for agricultural purposes and adopted by open-minded doctors,
it has slowly grown to be a medical device in Japan since 1965. More than three decades of clinical experience has shown that the electrolyzed water enhances healing power of human body and being eco-friendly. In mid-90’s, its benefits were started to be recognized in the public and the technological advance enabled various companies to develop smaller home units.
In 1998, Dr. Shirahata of Kyushu University had discovered the connection between electrolyzed water and Holy water, often called Miracle Water as well, existed around the world such as Tolacote in Mexico, Nordenou in Germany, Hitatenryo in Japan. Holy water is known for its tremendous healing power and has shown that it works against just about any diseases. Now hundreds of people take pilgrimage to these sites everyday.
Dr. Shirahata has found that all these waters have a Common property; tremendous anti-oxidant power. He soon came up with a theory that “Active Hydrogen” is the reason behind such incredible healing abilities.
Clinical Uses Of Kangen Water In Hospital Treatment :
Abnormal gastrointestinal fermentation·
Rapid Reduction in Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetes Patients·
Rapid Healing of Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers·
Rapid Improvement in High and Low Blood Pressure Levels·
Improvements in Asthma, Skin Rashes, and Dermatitis·
Rapid Improvement in Nasal Allergies·
Improvements in Chronic diarrhea·
Indigestion, Excess Gastric Acid·
Improved Kidney Function and MORE….