We are all just walking each other home



Hi I'm Kearstyn, a Medical Mystic, 5D Earth Keeper and Ascension Guide. I also refer to myself as a recovering registered nurse. You may wonder why I say recovering? Well, I spent 10+ years working in the traditional medical system and now I've transitioned to working for myself & teaching others about mind, body, soul alignment.

This transition didn't happen immediately though. I spent most of my career unfulfilled, depressed, and confused as to why there was such a gap in healing and why so many people were subscribing to a system that was designed to bandaid problems instead of heal the root cause.


Instead of walking away from what didn't resonate with me, I also band-aided my situation.

I feared what others would think of me if I walked away from a “stable career”. So I switched jobs and started travel nursing for the sol reason of time freedom and financial gain. I thought to myself “If I get to travel the world for work and I make double the pay, maybe the discomfort will be worth it”.

 For several years, I used this freedom to solo travel & volunteer in many third world countries around the world. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was searching for happiness everywhere outside of me. I used..

exotic locations

financial stability

logical reasoning

to cover up the cry of my soul. Despite knowing I was “different” and here for “more”, I continued to fit into society's box. This went on my entire nursing career until a patient said to me...


you're a healer, you don’t belong here.”


These words shifted something in me.

Am I really selling my soul for money?

Am I letting fear of the unknown stop me from following my heart?

Does life have a bigger plan for me than I have for myself?

I asked myself what could possibly go wrong from following my intuition and walking away from traditional nursing.

Every cell in my body was begging me to go, so I did.

To this day, I have so much gratitude for the strength I cultivated to leave my nursing career with no plan B. It was the most liberating experience.

Who said we have to have it all figured out anyways?

As soon as I said yes to my heart, my entire world opened up.

Despite feeling extremely lost after this part of my identify was gone, I followed my intuition and moved to Mexico. I knew if I wanted to find “my purpose”, a lot of healing had to happen.

I had no idea how to begin this journey inward though.

The universe had my back and continued to lay out the path for me. I was provided with the exact people and resources to dive right in. A big contribution to my healing was participating in plant medicine ceremonies and the guidance of my mentors.

  I dove deep into the depths of my soul and....

alchemized my inner child wounds

alchemized my self sabotaging beliefs

alchemized my lack of self confidence and love

alchemized my resistance to surrendering to my higher self

 This was the most influential and transformational part of my life, despite the pain.

It finally all made sense to me. All the “suffering” I went through was merely a path to guide me back to the self. It was designed to shed the false layers of my identity and awaken my innate wisdom. This long period of the “dark night of the soul” was the catalyst for my self enlightenment journey. 

Everything I went through was worth it because I now embody the wisdom to help others heal, awaken and ignite their true self.

 Now it's 2024 And…

I'm living the life I use to dream about.

  • I’m co-creating a “New Earth Nurse Network” to bring together like-minded nurses

  • I'm building my dream camper so I can travel full time and surround myself with conscious community

  • I feel so aligned within my body and I have unshakable trust in my intuition

  • I wake up feeling grateful AF for the freedom, balance and awareness in my life

  • I'm coaching like-minded nurses on embodying their higher self so they can share their unique medicine with the world

i want you to know that this transformation is possible for you too!

We are all here to reclaim our power and re-write our story. Our challenges are our greatest potential for alchemy!

If my story resonates with you, I’d love to guide you on your journey of self enlightenment. Let’s connect!